PC World 2004 November
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284 lines
Faber Toys 2.6 Build 52
Copyright ⌐ 2000-2004 Fabio Vescarelli
Table Of Contents (TOC)
* PC running Windows '95, '98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP (no Win 3.1)
* 16 Mb of RAM (32 or more suggested)
* Visual Basic 6 Runtime (installed by the full setup program)
* MSCOMCTL.OCX (installed by the full setup program)
Technical note: the runtime installed is the Service Pack 6 one
* FPL Technology (Fast Properties Load)
* Export of informations in TXT or HTML files --> File - Save menu
(following features are availables under the 'Tools' menu)
* Management of programs running when Windows start --> AutoRun
* Complete Process & Modules management --> Dependencies
* Management of system Aliases --> Program Aliases
(e.g. if you type iexplore or msimn in Start - Run)
* Windows Management --> Windows Explorer
* Analysis of PE Modules, listing exported and imported functions
(e.g. from/to a DLL file) --> Examine File
In 'AutoRun' there is the list of all programs that will be launched at
Windows startup; it's useful because often you don't really know what's
happening when you start Windows; here you can manage all AutoRun
programs, deleting or restoring them. If you don't know what items
should be deleted, try to go at http://www.sysinfo.org/startupinfo.html
and see if you find something useful
In 'Dependencies' you can see all programs that are _really_ running
(because usually the Ctrl-Alt-Del window in W9x system don't show all
of them, and the WNT Task Manager is poor of informations), and for
each of them you can see what are the modules it uses.
Here you can see _all_ processes (programs) running, and terminate them
in 'safe' mode (closing first windows, than the process; naturally it's useful
only if the program seems to be not responding). You can also know
what's the parent process, and what's the command line used to launch it.
In 'Program Aliases' you can view, add, delete, modify all system
aliases you've on your PC; for example, usually there are "IExplore" and
"MSIMN" aliases: if you hit Start, Run and type iexplore (press 'Ok') the
Internet Explorer program is launched (the same for winword, and many
others). Naturally, you can create your own aliases; remember that you
can press Win+R hotkey (when 'Win' is the start menu key on your
keyboard) to let appear the 'Run' dialog window
In 'Windows Explorer' you can play with all windows that exists on your
PC (all objects are windows: buttons, editboxes, lists). For example,
try to go in Explorer.exe, {Shell_TrayWnd}, {Button}, and uncheck the
'Visible' checkbox on the right: your start menu button should disappear
'Examine file' function shows informations useful for programmers or
power users; if you don't know about Exported Functions, probably you
don't need this function ;)
+ New Feature
! Improvement
# Bug Correction
Faber Toys 2.6 Build 52
[ Dependencies ]
# Fixed error when some modules are not accessible, due to programs
such as My Secret Folder
Faber Toys 2.6 Build 50
[ AutoRun ]
+ Added method to check also HKLM_NT_WinLogon\Shell key
modifications, restoring "Explorer.exe" (default value) if necessary
! Column Running is shown in bold if the process is currently running
# FT failed to retrieve correct program path if it was in this
form: "C:\Program Files\Program Name\Sample.exe" /PARAM
and the folder C:\Program Files\Program exists
[ Dependencies ]
+ New command line switches, to kill applications
(Faber Toys will kill all programs corresponding to the
Process ID, the program path or the main window title).
Kill a process having its Process ID:
Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYPID 828
Kill all processes having their path (or part of):
Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYNAME C:\WINNT\Notepad.exe
Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYNAME *\Notepad.exe
Kill all processes having their main window title (or part of):
Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYWNDTITLE No Name - Notepad
Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYWNDTITLE * - Notepad
Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYWNDTITLE *Internet Explorer*
Remark: Path and title are *not* case sensitive
! Refresh timer stopped before & restarted after loading all modules
! Column Priority is shown in bold if the process has a priority greater
than Normal
# FT crashed because applications like WebClient service
load some modules with path like \\?\C:\[...]
(bug founded using Windows XP Pro)
# Right-click failed on the Processes list if the user had
swapped the mouse buttons in control panel
# Fixed wrong Priority column sorting
[ Windows Explorer ]
# Fixed overflow error in rare situations
[ General ]
! Some translations improved (thanks to all contributors)
! Several minor optimizations
# Some minor fixes
[ Setup ]
+ Both the setup and the start menu icons are translated
(thanks to Inno Setup improvements and to translators)
! Setup file is much smaller, thanks to LZMA compression algorithm
! Update Visual Basic runtime files to Service Pack 6
# Some fixes related to system file's installation
Faber Toys 2.5 Build 240
[ AutoRun ]
# "Run Now" crashed application when Value was
an empty string
[ Dependencies ]
# "Copy Selected Modules into..." failed when
"Show full path for loaded modules" was selected
! Better command line parser (now should show quotes)
[ Examine File ]
# Application crashed while examining a file with a
damaged export table
# Didn't work well with multi-imported modules
(such as Delphi executables)
[ Windows Explorer ]
+ Read text from pages displayed in Internet Explorer
objects (class "Internet Explorer_Server")
+ Retrieve image from Static windows, if they have
! Text field is now multiline
! Added Process icons
! View window's child in image on the right (double click
on a child select relative window on the treeview)
! Faster loading and refresh
[ General ]
+ Icon and properties of RunDLL32.exe process are
extracted from relative .dll or .cpl file
! Retrieve version informations improved
! Trim spaces off file's description
! It's now possible to specify more than one translator per file
! Minor Improvements
Faber Toys 2.4 Build 216
[ AutoRun ]
+ Win.ini (load & run) support
+ HKLM_RunOnce and HKCU_RunOnce key support
+ HKLM_RunServicesOnce support
+ HKLM_InstComp key support
+ Modified date for several startup items
+ New "Run Now" menu item
+ New "Select process in Dependencies" menu item
! Added complete path as ToolTip for Origin column
! Items are now searched also in System Aliases, as Windows does
# Files in Common Startup directory wasn't showed in 9X systems
# 'Go To ...' function didn't work if registry path contains '{' or '}'
# Registry items whose name contains ", \, /, :, *, ?, <, >, | wasn't saved right
[ Dependencies ]
+ Added "Memory" column (NT only)
+ Retrieve Command Line of selected process
+ Process ID and Command Line shown in a TextBox
+ Possibility to kill services and system-related processes
+ Double confirmation required terminating some system-related processes
+ Autorefresh process list with custom interval
+ Services are highlighted in another color (NT only)
+ Possibility to copy in ClipBoard the path of all Processes
! Switch Priority to Normal terminating a process
! Modify Priority with a menu, not another dialog window
! Priority statements fully translatables
! &H added before Process ID hex value
! Added file size in Byte as ToolTip for Size column in Modules
! Added full parent path as ToolTip for Parent column in Processes
# Process 'csrss' wasn't showed (NT only)
# Cannot change priority for system-related processes
# Double refresh of module list selecting an already selected process
[ Dependencies & Examine File ]
+ Saved filter chosen in "Save" dialog
+ Links to files added saving in HTML format
+ Can save also in XHTML format
! Added extended date as ToolTip for Date column
! Now saving in HTML 4.01 + CSS Compliant
# Wrong ISO Latin character encoding saving in HTML
# Error saving on a read-only file
[ Examine File ]
! Choosing "Details" from system menu caused to load file with
DOS path (8.3), now with extended path
! Optimization opening multiple files from system menu
! Optimization loading MRU list
# Wrong order when click on 'Hint' column header
# Error examining DLL such as
%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office\XLCALL32.DLL
# Error examining some DLL of Star Office
[ Program Aliases ]
+ Multiselect
+ Support for path with system variables
+ Added filter for executables in dialog used for selecting new alias
+ Aliases without '.' in name shown in gray text
+ Modified date for aliases (NT only)
! Icon was shown both in 'edit' and 'new' mode, now only in 'plain' mode
# Wrong icon was shown in particular situations
[ Windows Explorer ]
+ Option for opening tree with single click
+ Shows if selected window is or not Unicode
! 'Refresh' button now enabled even if no valid window is selected
in TreeView
[ General ]
+ New About Dialog
! Boolean values now are shown as 'Yes' and 'No', not as 'True' and 'False'
! Improved several language strings; name of languages shown depending
OS settings
! Internal windows opened maximized
! Several Optimizations; lot of parts completely rewritten
# Splash screen was maximized if program was started maximized
# Run-time error when running on Korean OS
# Several minor fixes
Faber Toys 2.3 Build 120
First Release ...