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- Faber Toys 2.6 Build 52
- Copyright ⌐ 2000-2004 Fabio Vescarelli
- http://www.faberbox.com/fabertoys.asp
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Table Of Contents (TOC)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * PC running Windows '95, '98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP (no Win 3.1)
- * 16 Mb of RAM (32 or more suggested)
- * Visual Basic 6 Runtime (installed by the full setup program)
- * MSCOMCTL.OCX (installed by the full setup program)
- Technical note: the runtime installed is the Service Pack 6 one
- * FPL Technology (Fast Properties Load)
- * Export of informations in TXT or HTML files --> File - Save menu
- (following features are availables under the 'Tools' menu)
- * Management of programs running when Windows start --> AutoRun
- * Complete Process & Modules management --> Dependencies
- * Management of system Aliases --> Program Aliases
- (e.g. if you type iexplore or msimn in Start - Run)
- * Windows Management --> Windows Explorer
- * Analysis of PE Modules, listing exported and imported functions
- (e.g. from/to a DLL file) --> Examine File
- In 'AutoRun' there is the list of all programs that will be launched at
- Windows startup; it's useful because often you don't really know what's
- happening when you start Windows; here you can manage all AutoRun
- programs, deleting or restoring them. If you don't know what items
- should be deleted, try to go at http://www.sysinfo.org/startupinfo.html
- and see if you find something useful
- In 'Dependencies' you can see all programs that are _really_ running
- (because usually the Ctrl-Alt-Del window in W9x system don't show all
- of them, and the WNT Task Manager is poor of informations), and for
- each of them you can see what are the modules it uses.
- Here you can see _all_ processes (programs) running, and terminate them
- in 'safe' mode (closing first windows, than the process; naturally it's useful
- only if the program seems to be not responding). You can also know
- what's the parent process, and what's the command line used to launch it.
- In 'Program Aliases' you can view, add, delete, modify all system
- aliases you've on your PC; for example, usually there are "IExplore" and
- "MSIMN" aliases: if you hit Start, Run and type iexplore (press 'Ok') the
- Internet Explorer program is launched (the same for winword, and many
- others). Naturally, you can create your own aliases; remember that you
- can press Win+R hotkey (when 'Win' is the start menu key on your
- keyboard) to let appear the 'Run' dialog window
- In 'Windows Explorer' you can play with all windows that exists on your
- PC (all objects are windows: buttons, editboxes, lists). For example,
- try to go in Explorer.exe, {Shell_TrayWnd}, {Button}, and uncheck the
- 'Visible' checkbox on the right: your start menu button should disappear
- 'Examine file' function shows informations useful for programmers or
- power users; if you don't know about Exported Functions, probably you
- don't need this function ;)
- -----------------------------
- + New Feature
- ! Improvement
- # Bug Correction
- -----------------------------
- Faber Toys 2.6 Build 52
- [ Dependencies ]
- # Fixed error when some modules are not accessible, due to programs
- such as My Secret Folder
- Faber Toys 2.6 Build 50
- [ AutoRun ]
- + Added method to check also HKLM_NT_WinLogon\Shell key
- modifications, restoring "Explorer.exe" (default value) if necessary
- ! Column Running is shown in bold if the process is currently running
- # FT failed to retrieve correct program path if it was in this
- form: "C:\Program Files\Program Name\Sample.exe" /PARAM
- and the folder C:\Program Files\Program exists
- [ Dependencies ]
- + New command line switches, to kill applications
- (Faber Toys will kill all programs corresponding to the
- Process ID, the program path or the main window title).
- Kill a process having its Process ID:
- Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYPID 828
- Kill all processes having their path (or part of):
- Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYNAME C:\WINNT\Notepad.exe
- Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYNAME *\Notepad.exe
- Kill all processes having their main window title (or part of):
- Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYWNDTITLE No Name - Notepad
- Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYWNDTITLE * - Notepad
- Faber Toys.exe /KILLBYWNDTITLE *Internet Explorer*
- Remark: Path and title are *not* case sensitive
- ! Refresh timer stopped before & restarted after loading all modules
- ! Column Priority is shown in bold if the process has a priority greater
- than Normal
- # FT crashed because applications like WebClient service
- load some modules with path like \\?\C:\[...]
- (bug founded using Windows XP Pro)
- # Right-click failed on the Processes list if the user had
- swapped the mouse buttons in control panel
- # Fixed wrong Priority column sorting
- [ Windows Explorer ]
- # Fixed overflow error in rare situations
- [ General ]
- ! Some translations improved (thanks to all contributors)
- ! Several minor optimizations
- # Some minor fixes
- [ Setup ]
- + Both the setup and the start menu icons are translated
- (thanks to Inno Setup improvements and to translators)
- ! Setup file is much smaller, thanks to LZMA compression algorithm
- ! Update Visual Basic runtime files to Service Pack 6
- # Some fixes related to system file's installation
- Faber Toys 2.5 Build 240
- [ AutoRun ]
- # "Run Now" crashed application when Value was
- an empty string
- [ Dependencies ]
- # "Copy Selected Modules into..." failed when
- "Show full path for loaded modules" was selected
- ! Better command line parser (now should show quotes)
- [ Examine File ]
- # Application crashed while examining a file with a
- damaged export table
- # Didn't work well with multi-imported modules
- (such as Delphi executables)
- [ Windows Explorer ]
- + Read text from pages displayed in Internet Explorer
- objects (class "Internet Explorer_Server")
- + Retrieve image from Static windows, if they have
- ! Text field is now multiline
- ! Added Process icons
- ! View window's child in image on the right (double click
- on a child select relative window on the treeview)
- ! Faster loading and refresh
- [ General ]
- + Icon and properties of RunDLL32.exe process are
- extracted from relative .dll or .cpl file
- ! Retrieve version informations improved
- ! Trim spaces off file's description
- ! It's now possible to specify more than one translator per file
- ! Minor Improvements
- Faber Toys 2.4 Build 216
- [ AutoRun ]
- + Win.ini (load & run) support
- + HKLM_RunOnce and HKCU_RunOnce key support
- + HKLM_RunServicesOnce support
- + HKLM_InstComp key support
- + Modified date for several startup items
- + New "Run Now" menu item
- + New "Select process in Dependencies" menu item
- ! Added complete path as ToolTip for Origin column
- ! Items are now searched also in System Aliases, as Windows does
- # Files in Common Startup directory wasn't showed in 9X systems
- # 'Go To ...' function didn't work if registry path contains '{' or '}'
- # Registry items whose name contains ", \, /, :, *, ?, <, >, | wasn't saved right
- [ Dependencies ]
- + Added "Memory" column (NT only)
- + Retrieve Command Line of selected process
- + Process ID and Command Line shown in a TextBox
- + Possibility to kill services and system-related processes
- + Double confirmation required terminating some system-related processes
- + Autorefresh process list with custom interval
- + Services are highlighted in another color (NT only)
- + Possibility to copy in ClipBoard the path of all Processes
- ! Switch Priority to Normal terminating a process
- ! Modify Priority with a menu, not another dialog window
- ! Priority statements fully translatables
- ! &H added before Process ID hex value
- ! Added file size in Byte as ToolTip for Size column in Modules
- ! Added full parent path as ToolTip for Parent column in Processes
- # Process 'csrss' wasn't showed (NT only)
- # Cannot change priority for system-related processes
- # Double refresh of module list selecting an already selected process
- [ Dependencies & Examine File ]
- + Saved filter chosen in "Save" dialog
- + Links to files added saving in HTML format
- + Can save also in XHTML format
- ! Added extended date as ToolTip for Date column
- ! Now saving in HTML 4.01 + CSS Compliant
- # Wrong ISO Latin character encoding saving in HTML
- # Error saving on a read-only file
- [ Examine File ]
- ! Choosing "Details" from system menu caused to load file with
- DOS path (8.3), now with extended path
- ! Optimization opening multiple files from system menu
- ! Optimization loading MRU list
- # Wrong order when click on 'Hint' column header
- # Error examining DLL such as
- %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office\XLCALL32.DLL
- # Error examining some DLL of Star Office
- [ Program Aliases ]
- + Multiselect
- + Support for path with system variables
- + Added filter for executables in dialog used for selecting new alias
- + Aliases without '.' in name shown in gray text
- + Modified date for aliases (NT only)
- ! Icon was shown both in 'edit' and 'new' mode, now only in 'plain' mode
- # Wrong icon was shown in particular situations
- [ Windows Explorer ]
- + Option for opening tree with single click
- + Shows if selected window is or not Unicode
- ! 'Refresh' button now enabled even if no valid window is selected
- in TreeView
- [ General ]
- + New About Dialog
- ! Boolean values now are shown as 'Yes' and 'No', not as 'True' and 'False'
- ! Improved several language strings; name of languages shown depending
- OS settings
- ! Internal windows opened maximized
- ! Several Optimizations; lot of parts completely rewritten
- # Splash screen was maximized if program was started maximized
- # Run-time error when running on Korean OS
- # Several minor fixes
- Faber Toys 2.3 Build 120
- First Release ...